Giant 12' Wishbone for DC Lottery,
designed to break in
two at
at RFK Stadium.
Carved foam, aluminum armature, resin coating.
MDB Communications,
event producer.

Giant 6' crossed swords prop
served as final clue in
giant puzzle
hunt for
Washington Post's
first annual Post Hunt.

Giant Lipstick Awards, 18" high,
for private special event.
PVC construction.

7' Diameter spinning globe.
Aluminum tubing and
Sentra graphics.
Exploding volcano highlights
giant money filled diamond,
while glowing lava, billowing smoke
and earthmoving rumbles
thrill the guests.

Prop for Epilepsy Foundation
for national presentation of new logo
at Washington, DC event.
from EPS foam.
Pulsating, custom dance floor,
70's theme.
1½" thick, plexiglas surface.
Stage set for
Governor Gilmore's
Inaugural Ball.

National award winning
centerpiece monument
for Olympics venue.
Fiberglass and EPS foam.

Large, 14' African mask,
faux painted
EPS foam on
PVC structure.

Giant, pole mounted
Carnival Mask.
Painted EPS foam,
satin fabrics and PVC
support structure.
Design - Atlanta.

Flying spaceship lands
with lights,
& sound effects for this
Pennsylvania trade show.